Hello! I’m a passionate Frontend Developer with a keen eye for aesthetics and a commitment to crafting seamless user experiences. With a background in both design and development, I thrive at the intersection of technology and creativity. My journey began with a fascination for how websites looked and worked, drawing me into the world of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.I specialize in building responsive, interactive web applications that not only meet client expectations but also delight users. I believe that usability and functionality should go hand in hand, which is why I make it a priority to keep my code clean and maintainable while ensuring that every detail enhances the overall experience.Staying current with the latest trends and technologies is integral to my work. I regularly explore new frameworks, libraries, and tools—like React, Vue.js, and SASS—to keep my skills sharp and innovative. My approach to problem-solving is data-driven but always infused with creativity.
Sep 2022 - Oct 2024Front End Developer
Developed and maintained user-facing websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and ReactJS. Collaborated closely with the back-end developers to integrate API calls into the front-end codebase. Created UI components with reusable codes for a better user experience. Development of large-scale projects.
Feb 2021 - Oct 2021Course Mentor
Helping course students to solve programming problems Applied conflict resolution strategies during interactions between mentors and mentees. Administered assessments to evaluate student's individual strengths and weaknesses.
Bachelor's degree
2020 - 2022Software Engineering
Dahaghan Azad University (Esfahan)
Associate Degree
2017 - 2019Software Engineering
Dahaghan Azad University (Esfahan)